When I was 17 years old, I
broke my back bone during rugby
training in high school.
It was a terrible sport accident in 1990 and I became a
wheelchair man. Nothing changed on my side except that I could not walk. But the behavior of people around me changed completely, 180 degrees. Society and people would look at me as being poor, miserable, and unfortunate.
Also whenever I wanted to do something, everybody said " Don't do that because there is no equipment " " It is a rule, so you cannot do
that ".
I think it is OK to let people do what they want as long
as they are ready to take responsibility.
I was so disappointed with Japanese society for not giving us a chance.
First summer vacation in university, I stayed in USA for
month and was really shocked. I forgot that I was on a wheelchair while in USA. This was my first
trip overseas.
It was wheelchair accessible almost everywhere including town, shops,
barrier. Above all, no people eyes. Wheelchair was not special and
I felt like a
In USA, people would first see me as an individual
But in Japan, people looked at "disability " before
individual character.
Disability is recognized by society. So if society changes, disability may
disappear. Understanding differences, respecting personality,
giving equal opportunity,
I wish for a better society and peace, full of love and smile !!
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e-mail always welcome !

Travel money come from my work (travel coordination, accessible
consultant, writing and speech). My parents only gave money 1st and 3rd
travel. When I was a university student, I worked as a private teacher,
school counselor and in a post office. After graduation, I got a nice
job at advertisement agency and good income for 7 years. I published my first book in 2001.
Travel money (39 countries until then) back from the book selling.
No money for my sport
accident from
high school. No high insurance. No high pension. No charity. No lottery
winning. But I had a
future and passion to be independent when I was injured 17 years old. Now travel is
one of my job, writing, guide, speech and consulting.
Go where nobody has gone
! Do what nobody has done !
